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Epidemiology/Population Genetics

Langman, Craig B

Langman, Craig B

Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics (Nephrology)


Professor Craig B. Langman, is the Isaac A. Abt, MD, Professor of Kidney Diseases, and Tenured Professor of Pediatrics at the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Head of Kidney Disea... [more]

Lloyd-Jones, Donald M

Lloyd-Jones, Donald M

Professor of Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology), Medicine (Cardiology) and Pediatrics


Dr. Lloyd-Jones attended Swarthmore College for his BA (Major in History), Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons for his MD, and Harvard School of Public Health for his Master of Scienc... [more]

Lowe, Jr., William L

Lowe, Jr., William L

Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology)


The primary area of interest of the Lowe lab is maternal metabolism during pregnancy, fetal growth and their interaction. Genetic-, genomics- and metabolomics-based technologies together with a multi-... [more]

Lubbe, Steven J

Lubbe, Steven J

Assistant Professor of Neurology (Movement Disorders)


My research is primarily focused on using a vast array of bioinformatic and computational approaches (including machine learning) to analyse large-scale –omics data to further our understanding of the... [more]

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