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Infectious Disease

D'Aquila, Richard T

D'Aquila, Richard T

Professor, Medicine (Infectious Diseases)


Study of HIV aims to develop improved biomedical prevention, overcome HIV persistence during antiretroviral therapy with new strategies for sustained remission, and advance understanding of non-AIDS c... [more]

Horvath, Curt M

Horvath, Curt M

Professor, Medicine (Hematology and Oncology), Microbiology-Immunology
Professor, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences


Interferon, STAT

Koralnik, Igor J

Koralnik, Igor J

Professor, Neurology (Neuro-infectious Disease and Global Neurology)


Neuro-Virology, Neuro-Infectious Diseases, Long COVID, Global Neurology, Role of the Virome in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy

Leis, Jonathan P

Leis, Jonathan P

Professor Emeritus, Microbiology-Immunology


retrovirus replication, reverse transcription, integration, virus assembly mechanisms, molecular genetics

Ozer, Egon A

Ozer, Egon A

Assistant Professor, Medicine (Infectious Diseases)


My research is focused on using whole genome sequencing and comparative genomics approaches to investigate genetic features associated with features of infection in microbial pathogens including bacte... [more]

Seifert, H Steven

Seifert, H Steven

Professor, Microbiology-Immunology


Neisseria gonorrhoeae, gonorrhea, Neisseria meningitidis, pilus, antigenic variation, recombination, DNA transformation, DNA replication, DNA repair, antioxidant functions, reactive oxygen species (RO... [more]

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