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Next-Generation Sequencing

As the name suggests, NUSeq is primarily a next-generation sequencing (NGS) core facility. Providing first-class NGS technology to the Northwestern research community is a main focus of the core. NUSeq has a fleet of NGS sequencers that spans all major Illumina sequencing technologies. Thousands of sequencing libraries have been constructed and sequenced encompassing all major NGS applications, from RNA-seq to sequencing of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing products.

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Major Next-Generation Sequencers

Illumina NovaSeq X Plus sequencer

Illumina NovaSeq X Plus

  • Top data throughput, cost effective
  • Three flow cell types at different throughput levels:
    • 25B flow cell: 2,000-2,500 million* reads per lane, 8 lanes per flow cell. Read length available: 2x150 bases. Sequencing on this flow cell is the most cost effective among all NUSeq sequencers at <$3 per Gbp
    • 10B: 900-1,000 million reads per lane, 8 lanes per flow cell. Read length available: 2x50 and 2x150 bases
    • 1.5B: 600-700 million reads per lane, 2 lanes per flow cell. Read length available: 2x50 and 2x150 bases
  • More technical specifics from Illumina
Element AVITI sequencer

Element AVITI

  • Intermediate throughput, quick turnaround time
  • Throughput: 400-500 million reads per lane, 2 lanes per flow cell
  • Read length available: 2x75 and 2x150 bases. 2x300 bases also available at 150 million reads per lane
  • More technical specifics from Element Biosciences

Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-G400

  • Low to intermediate throughput, quick turnaround time
  • Two flow cell types for flexibility
    • FCS (small): 200-250 million reads per lane, 2 lanes per flow cell
    • FCL (large): 400 million reads per lane, 4 lanes per flow cell
  • Read length available: 1x50, 1x100, 1x400, 2x150, and 2x200 bases. 2x300 bases also available at 150 million reads per lane on FCS flow cell
  • More technical specifics from Complete Genomics
Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer

Illumina NextSeq 500

  • Intermediate throughput, quick turnaround time
  • 130 or 400 million reads from one flow cell depending on sequencing mode, no separable lanes
  • Read length available: 1x75, 1x150, and 2x75 bases
  • More technical specifics from Illumina
Illumina MiSeq sequencer

Illumina MiSeq

  • Low throughput, quick turnaround time
  • 1, 4, 15, to 25 million reads from one flow cell with throughput depending on flow cell type, no separable lanes
  • Read length available: 2x150, 2x250, and 2x300 bases
  • More technical specifics from Illumina
Oxford Nanopore Long-Read Sequencer

Oxford Nanopore Long-Read Sequencer

  • Long read sequencing with read length reaching up to 4 Mbp, typically 10-100 kb for long-read sequencing and 100-300 kb for ultra-long read sequencing mode
  • PromethION: we see typically 50-100 Gb data per flow cell
  • MinION: we see typically 10-20 Gb data per flow cell
  • More technical specifics from Oxford Nanopore Technologies on PromethION and MinION

* For paired end sequencing, this represents the total number of read pairs. In this case, the actual total number of reads doubles if reads from the two ends are counted separately. This note applies to all sequencers.

We are constantly evaluating sequencing technology needs for Northwestern researchers. If you have needs for other sequencing platforms, such as the PacBio Sequel or Oxford NanoPore sequencers, please contact us.

Review Our NGS Quick Guide Review Our Sequencer Selection Guide



NUSeq supports all NGS-based research projects. Major types of NGS applications including the following:

NGS Project Workflow

1. Consultation

2. Sample Submission

NGS Order Form

3. Sample QC

4. Library Prep

5. Sequencing

6. Bioinformatics

Contact Us

To initiate a new NGS project, please call or email core director Xinkun Wang, PhD, at 312-503-3331 or

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