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About Us

The NUSeq Core is a shared resource facility that serves investigators at Northwestern University, affiliated institutions and external academic and commercial organizations. The facility provides a wide range of next-generation sequencing and microarray processing options to meet your needs, in addition to other genomic services such as DNA extraction. In addition, we provide in-house bioinformatics analysis. Our trained staff can assist with every step of your project, from design to analysis. Learn more about our work via the links below.

Faculty Advisory Committee

The NUSeq steering committee includes the following Chicago and Evanston campus faculty members

Frequently Asked Questions

 Where is the NUSeq Core located?

The NUSeq Core is located on Northwestern University's Chicago campus. Our mailing address is:

300 E. Superior St.
Tarry 2-770
Chicago, IL 60611

 How can I determine which Next-Generation Sequencing option will best fit my needs and budget?

For a quick guide comparing NGS options, click here. If you need further assistance, please contact us. Initial project consultations are available free of charge. 

 Who can submit samples to the facility?

Anyone. We accept samples from all non-profit and for-profit organizations.

 How do I submit an order?

For your convenience, there is a computer in the DNA Extraction Room (the first room on the left when you enter the core) if you would like to fill out the forms when you drop off the samples.

To enter samples in NuCore:

1. Go to
2. Click on “Login” at the top right-hand side of the page
3. Enter your NetID and password
4. Click on “NUSeq”
5. Click on the link for the service you want (Example: Bioanalyzer - Quality Control Nanochip)
6. Click “Add to Cart”
7. Select the payment source (chartstring number) and click “Continue”
8. Enter the quantity and click “Update”
9. Fill out and upload the completed order form
10. If your order is complete, click on “Purchase”, otherwise click on the “Home” tab on the top left-hand side of the page and repeat Steps 4 through 10

 How can I drop off my sequencing samples?

If you are from Northwestern and are on the Chicago campus:

Please bring your samples directly to the lab. Our regular hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We also provide a 24-hour DNA sample drop-off service. Authorized NUSeq Core users may drop off sequencing samples any time by using your keycard enabled WildCard or Northwestern Medicine card.

To activate your card for 24-hour access, please email and include the following information:
Employee ID#:
Indala/HID#: (five-digit number on the back of the card under the magnetic stripe)
Please note: Requests may take up to 48 hours to fulfill.

If you are from Northwestern and are on the Evanston campus:

Drop off samples at one of the two courier locations in the Hogan Building, 2205 Tech Drive: Hogan 2-100, BMBCB administrative office, or Hogan 4-150. The couriers pick up the samples every morning and we receive them in the afternoon. 

If you are not on the Northwestern campus:

Please send your samples through an independent carrier such as FedEx or UPS to the address listed under contact us. Prior to shipping, please contact a technician to schedule delivery. At the time of shipping, please send an email notification with your express mail tracking number. This will allow us to watch for your shipment. We prefer that samples are sent overnight on Mondya or Tuesday so that we can guarantee someone is here to accept them. We will notify you when your shipment is received. 

 Who should I contact about billing questions?

Please email or call the NUSeq Core Admin Office at 312-503-3331.

 Who receives the invoices from the core?

All invoices are emailed to the principal investigator and the account administrator at the end of each month.

 How can I get a copy of the invoice?

Invoices are sent out at the end of each month. If you'd like another copy, please email or call the NUSeq Core Admin Office at 312-503-3331.

 What should I do if there is an error on the invoice?

After invoices are sent out, you have five business days to review your invoice and report any errors. If you do find an error, please email or call the NUSeq Core Admin Office at 312-503-3331.

 How to cite NUSeq in publications?

"This work was supported by the Northwestern University NUSeq Core Facility. (If single-cell sequencing was provided using the 10x Chromium system, also add) We would also like to acknowledge NIH Grant 1S10OD025120 for the 10x Chromium housed in the NUSeq Facility."


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